Counting down to Christmas

Maybe, just maybe, I'll put the Christmas tree up this weekend. I say "I" because my son loses interest after the first five minutes. I do however remember one year when he was smaller when he thought it would be a good idea to help me decorate the tree while entirely nude...except for a santa hat. That was when he was going through his no clothes phase.

So to try and get me (and you) in the mood, I'm putting up some pics of advent calendars. I must say I've never seen anything as stylish as these little numbers in any shops around here, but I'll keep my eye out anyway.

The first picture is from while the rest are from German company, which I found after a reference to it at

This first one would be easy to make - buy some kids socks in Christmas colours, embroider on some numbers and hang from a string by little wooden pegs (I have the pegs at least!).

Cute as a button train

I love this one - so simple and pure

This last one is absolutely gorgeous and if you have a gorgeous ladder just lying around your home, this would be perfect.

I'm finishing off with a non- Christmas picture. Now that I have taken up the hobby of blogging, my book reading and magazine reading has suffered. Just look at all the reading I have been neglecting! Problem is, I still can't resist buying - in fact I have two more books winging their way to me as we speak. Now I just have to find the time to read them.

We are having a barbeque with friends this weekend, then off to a fashion and food fair on Sunday. Gotta love summer! Hope your weekend is great.

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